Friday, August 30, 2013

What have the Bay Area BDA chapter done so far ??? We had we done ??

Hello again,
Someone asked me what had BDA Done ???
Wow we done so much!!!

maybe I can Show you some some history how we arrive here ..

  • 2:00pm

    On behalf of board for Bay Area Black Deaf Advocates, we would like to invite you to FREE pizza and drinks.

    Since SOME OF YOU are member AND NOT YET MEMBER of Bay Area Black Deaf Advocates, we would like you to come to this special event. EVERYONE IS WELCOME..
    Purpose of this to kick off our new year, celebrate us becoming chapter under National Black Deaf Advocates and interact with board members to get to know them.

    We are planning to have FREE pizza and drinks for our MEMBERS only. YET IF YOU NOT YET MEMBER STILL WELCOME TO COME...

    It important we encourage our members to show up for this special event on

    January 5th, 2013 ( Saturday) from 2pm to 5pm.

    You can WATCH THE VIDEO:

    Which it from our Public Relation Officer explaining purpose of January 5th meeting. If you have not check it out, please do and if have any questions please feel free to ask.

    We will have our general meeting from 2pm to 4pm, then from 4pm to 5pm we will have FREE pizza and drinks to celebrate. For those who interested having FREE pizza and drinks can you please,

    R.S.V.P. by January 3rd by 5:00p.m. (For know how many seat and pizza for serve- So we can have the total numbers and order the amount of food for everyone who shows up.)

    (IF MISS DEADLINE Please come)


    Please email and let us know.
    When: January 5, 2013 ( Saturday)
    Where: 2150 Marina Blvd, San Leandro Blvd CA, 94577
    Time: 2:00p.m.-4:00p.m. ( meeting)
    4:00p.m.-5:00p.m.(Free Pizza & Drinks)

    Hope to see you there at this event, and on behalf of the board we wish you, your family and friends A HAPPY SAFE NEW YEAR!!

    That was exciting day but let back up there was more  from there on we did so much more - not only that we host event but we go support events share - we support all race and discriminate NO ONE!!! 
    Click here each date to see the video

    Feb 19, 2013 

    Nov 19, 2012

    Nov 19, 2013 Extra

    Feb 19, 2013

    March 14, 2013

    June 5, 2013

    June 11, 2013

    July 6, 2013 our BBQ

    VIP night

    Yes are very in involve with National BDA - We alway stay in touch

    Vice President BABDA: Sam Holden Have special report He would like to share with you from National Black Deaf Advocate (President) . " . .Hope to see you all at this event today! . Your Vice President, Bay Area Black Deaf Advocates, Sam Holden"
    Click here to see mesage from National BDA President!!

    here some pictures and fliers

     Christmas Party 2011

     flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
      flier Made by Brenda Lyons
     Flier Made by Lynette Willaims
     Photo By Antoine Hunter

     Photo By Antoine Hunter for Deaf BBQ July 6, 2013

    There is more but I cant seems to find it- 
    My point is we had done a lot, and More to come !!! 
     Peace love and I'm Out..
    - President of Bay Area BDA
    - Mr.Antoine Hunter
  • Bay Area BDA Bylaws

    Hello Good morning,
    I was thinking this morning do people who are not our member get a chance to see our bylaws before becoming a member, do they understand how we work, will the be excited to join if they know more about us and our systems. I decide to get up this morning and post our Bylaws - Let it be known it wasn't easy. We don't have web site yet but soon we will but for now as I am not a computer geek I post our Bylaws here.. So non-member and member can connect and reconnect with our chapter here in the Bay Area.

    Please take your time to read and if any questions please email us or comment us below.

    -Mr Hunter
    President of Bay Area BDA.

    Click Here to Read our Bay Area Bylaws!

    Thursday, August 29, 2013

    Bay AREA BDA is back on maps!!

    Hello My Name is Antoine Hunter I am the President od the Bay Area BDA and I need to share with you some old new you might not know...... and that is .....

    We Bay area BDA is BACK on MAPS!!!
    We are Driven to empower our community !!
    we just had a recent many meeting - We are excited to start the Fall Hard and heavy ! We are moving the ball..
     Please stay Tune!! We got a lot to show you!!!

 Xgamil Campos   ( Treasure )
 Marcelle Esezobor ( Sectary )
  Will get the name to you asap( do not know full name yet) ( Public Relation Officer)
 Mark Crawford (S.G.T.)
  Alise Harding ( chapter repetitive) Holden ( V. President) 
 Antonie Hunter (President)

    Friday, August 23, 2013


    September 4,2013

    Dear Members,

    I want to make an announcement for the members to come to the BABDA S Meeting.  The meeting will be held at the Mike Mountain PIizza.  from 2:00pm to 4:00pm . The address is on 302 Davis St, San Leandro, California 94577.

    It is very important for the new members  and old members to show up the meeting , because our vice president Samuel Holden has been attended at National Black Deaf Advocates Conference  in New Orleans last August. He wants to share with you about a new experience  and some exciting news . Please come to the meeting.

    If you have any questions . Please contact me at sectbada@gmail;.com. I hope you  come and stop by the meeting on the 14th of september. I am looking and forward to see all the members ..  We need your help support the community also need your feedback how we can improve the BABDA.

    Any comments

    Sincerly yours,
    BABDA Secterary

    Web site: